The Golden Ticket Awards | Presented by Amusement Today

The Golden Ticket Awards | Presented by Amusement Today

The Golden Ticket Awards | Presented by Amusement Today

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Industry Leadership Award


    Nominate a person, park, or supplier to be recognized with 2024's Golden Ticket Leadership Award

    For a park, what practices or changes have been implemented to improve the guest experience? For a company, what initiatives have been taken to offer a superior product or advancements in safety? In all of these instances, does the nominee help improve and guide the industry via leadership?

    Name of Nominee (person, park or supplier):

    Location (For person: employing company. For park/supplier: city/state/country):

    Support your nomination (150-300 words):

    Your Name:


    Your Email Address:

    Ready to submit?

    If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

    We look forward to seeing you at Kennywood!